Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Cohen's Moral Panic

Cohen's moral panic is when a condition, episode or group of people emerges as a threat to societal values and interests. We see people who are of a higher power and can threaten the people who aren't for example the media can say anything they want about anyone and mostly get away with it,other such as politicians can get away with things that most people would be unaware of but can still cause a threat to some. The media can change the minds of the public very easily for example when we see riots in other countries and other people trying to come to our country we see them as a threat because we do not know them. These groups are turned into what we call "Folk Devils" which makes people trust that the government will deal with these groups and in the UK and also the BBFC classifies movies because movies are seen as evil in the media that is why they give certificate like 12, 15 and 18 etc.

Folk devils can appear when a group is in trouble for example when the United kingdom was in the recession the media decided to focus all their attention on the Mps scandal which highlighted other things and gave focus from one thing to another.

Victorian Britain > Musicals - Immorality
100 Years Ago - Football - Hooliganism
1890 - Bicycles - Cause of Chaos and Terror
1950's - Rock 'n' Roll -
 the Negro's Revenge Devil's Music
198o's - Video Nastiest - Home Videos
1990's - Video Games - games like Grand Theft Auto encourage violence and crime2000's - Internet - Social Networking

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